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    • (0)
    • (1) Fiber Conference Armchair Lifestyle Image
    • (2) Fiber Conference Armchair Lifestyle Image
    • (3) Fiber Conference Armchair Lifestyle Image
    • (4) Fiber Conference Armchair Lifestyle Image
    • (5) Oslo Side Chair Lifestyle Image
    • (6) Oslo Side Chair Lifestyle Image
    • (7) Oslo Side Chair Lifestyle Image
    • (8) Nerd Bar Stool Lifestyle Image
    • (9) Fiber Bar Stool Lifestyle Image
    • (10) Fiber Armchair Swivel Base Lifestyle Image
    • (11) Base High Table Lifestyle Image
    • (12) Ambit Rail Lamp Lifestyle Image
    • (13) Ambit Rail Lamp Lifestyle Image
    • (14) Ambit Rail Lamp Detail Image
    The Ambit Rail Lamp is characterized by its simple lines and elegant shapes, bringing a refined light to any space. With its shades being made of handspun aluminum, the Ambit Rail Lamp features white interiors that provide a contrast to its outside shade while enhancing the light emitted into the room of any home, office or hospitality space.


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