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    • (0)
    • (1) Reduce Paper Bin Lifestyle Image
    • (2) Fine Suspension Lamp Lifestyle Image
    • (3) Reduce Paper Bin Lifestyle Image
    • (4) Reduce Paper Bin Lifestyle Image
    • (5) Editorial Image
    • (6) Editorial Image
    • (7) Fine Suspension Lamp Lifestyle Image
    • (8) Reduce Paper Bin in Light Green Recycle Packshot
    • (9) Reduce Paper Bin Stacked Packshot
    • (10) Reduce Paper Bin in Light Green Recycle Detail Packshot
    Reduce Paper Bin takes its name from the art of reducing; the amount of virgin material used in manufacturing, of rubbish and of form, to create a refined expression of an everyday object. Made using 1OO% recycled ABS plastic from post-consumer waste, it is a straightforward design with a soft and inviting shape. The beauty is in its details like the tactile, matte surface or the characteristic lid subtly concealing the bin bag. Reduce Paper Bin is an all-around object that feels equally at home in the kitchen, workshop and office.


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