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    sofas by muuto

    your guide to finding the perfect sofa

    With a wide range of designs and endless fabrics, colors, and configurations to choose from, our diverse selection allows you to create the perfect sofa for your space. Explore our guide to discover the style, comfort, and material that is right for you.

    1. what's your style?

    Whether you are looking for a large relaxed modular sofa or a slender and sculptural seat, we offer a broad range of contemporary sofas for the modern home. Click and drag to explore all our sofas.

    2. comfort & seating experience

    • Connect Soft
    • Rest
    • In Situ
    • Outline
    • Connect
    • Oslo

    In Situ

    The soft upholstery and deep, low seat of the In Situ Modular Sofa make for a relaxed and comfortable seating experience. Add matching cushions for ultimate comfort.

    Learn more

    3. materials & qualities

    The material you choose will change the look and feel of your sofa - from the playfulness of textured wool to the understated elegance of natural leather. Explore our wide range of high-quality materials and find your favorite.

    • 3 practical considerations:

      When choosing upholstery for your sofa, there are a few practical points you may want to consider: durability, exposure to sunlight, and pilling. To the right, you can read about these terms and what they mean for your choice of material.

    • 1. Durability

      1. Durability

      To give you an idea how a material responds to wear and tear, each material has been given a Martindale score.

    • 2. Sunlight exposure

      2. Sunlight exposure

      If your sofa will be exposed to direct sunlight, you may want to consider lightfastness when choosing an upholstery material. Measured on a scale from 1 to 8, lightfastness refers to a material’s ability to withstand the visible discoloration that exposure to direct sunlight can entail.

    • 3. Pilling

      3. Pilling

      Pilling refers to the small balls of lint that gather on the surface of a material as it sheds its excess fiber.

    interior design ideas
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    • choosing the right textile

      Choosing the right textiles for your furniture goes beyond aesthetics, focusing on how materials perform in their intended environment and usage. Consider the furniture's purpose and anticipated wear. Opting for bold textiles can enhance your space and express your personality, adding character and style to your home.

    • mix things up

      Sofas and coffee tables tend to be low, horizontal pieces. Adding vertical elements such as long curtains or tall plants keeps things looking balanced, while a large rug and a cluster of pendant lamps bring the room together.

    • be playful and practical

      A cluster of small coffee tables creates a playful look with plenty of table space. Opting for light tables also allows you to move the tables around effortlessly according to your needs.

    • place your sofa by your shelves

      Placing your sofa in front of a bookcase or shelving system is a good way to save space and create a an inviting, library-like atmosphere.

    • the perfect fit

      When decorating a space, proportionality is key. A big corner sofa or a grand sectional sofa can make a large lounge look warm and inviting, while the studio version of the Outline Sofa allows you to save space in a small apartment.

    • utilize your floor space

      Consider letting your sofa have pride of place by placing it in the middle of the room. This allows you to optimize your floor space.

    explore our sofa families
